Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Steve
About Me
My Family
Favourite Sites
Movies and TV and Music


Every now and then you get and bit bored and think "what shall we do today?".

Here are some of the places we've been to:

Tottenham Hotspur new stadium Visit with Barry Amelie and Albert September 7th 2019  
Rocky Horror Show August 3rd 2019 What a fantastic night out with Vikki, Jonathon, Kristine, Marc and "The George" (Jonathon's Dad)  
Up at the O2 September 2016 Part of my 60th birthday celebrations - walking over the O2 dome with daughter Gemma. Brilliant  
Elton John June 2016 Part of my 60th birthday celebrations - Elton John concert at Blenheim Palace. Excellent.  
Supercars April 2016 Part of my 60th birthday celebrations - a chance to "own" a supercar for the weekend  
Tottenham Hotspur Tour November 2015 Thank you Tom for an excellent present.  
Paris 2015 for the tennis A trip to watch the tenis at Roland Garros and explore the city with Jonathon & Vikki  
Tropical Wings Zoo, Wickford (2015) - Dexter Wotherspoon 1st birthday. A lovely day out with the Grandparents.  
The Shard 2013 - Birthday treat to me from Rachel  
London Olympics 2012 - we just had to be part of this fantastic experience  
Tropical Wings Zoo, Wickford (2012) - Eva Wotherspoon 1st birthday. A lovely day out with the Grandparents.  
Wembley Cup (2009) - with Celtic and Tottenham featuring we just had to go to this with Marc and Kristine  
Chessington (2006) - a fun day out  
Maldon Mud Run (2005) - work off that Christmas stuffing with a run in the mud!  
Tower of London 2002 - at last a visit to go inside this magnificent building.  
Legoland - Windsor - good fun for younger children.  
Denmark - a trip to see the circus and watch England get thrashed at football  
David Blaine (2003) - a man in a box