On September 5, 2003, David Blaine began his 44-day endurance stunt sealed inside a transparent Plexiglas case suspended 30 feet (9 m) in the air on the south bank of the River Thames near to Tower Bridge in London. The case, measuring 3 feet (0.9 m) by 7 feet (2.1 m) by 7 feet (2.1 m), had a webcam installed so that viewers could observe his progress. During the 44-day period, Blaine went without any food or nutrients and survived on just 4.5 liters of water per day.
1 We thought he was actually dangling over the river, and it looks like it from this picture!
2 View from Tower Bridge
3 The fabulous (erotic) gherkin building viewed from Tower Bridge
4 The "erotic gherkin" is the Swiss Re Tower that is located in London's financial district. Designed by Norman Foster, it was completed in December 2003 and opened at the end of May 2004.
5 Blaine in his box. What an idiot, and how stupid are we for going to look! You can clearly see now that he was safe (?) over dry land.
6 The massive sun dial at Tower Hill
9 Most people (tourists) were supportive of this idiot. The Brits had the right idea and pulled a number of great stunts to annoy him and show how ridiculous it all was. One of the best was a radio controlled helicopter with a McDonalds hamburger to try to tempt him. Brilliant!