Fun Stuff

You don't have to be mad .... but it does help!
bigbreakfast  Mother Trucker's Breakfast at the Wheatsheaf.   Also came with a Yorkie chocolate bar and a free beer if you could eat it all! bluesboy  Christmas parties are dangerous!  This was 1998 when I was younger and more stupid (?!) bluesgirl  Blues baby maskedidiot  Masked Idiot Probably made sense to him at the time!
bluesgirl2  Blues Girl maskedman  The Lone Ranger strikes. bread  Rachel bought me a nice bread machine.   This is Rachel's first attempt at producing some delicious, fresh bread. bubbles  Giant bubbles in the garden at Wickford
gnatbite  Mick got bitten by a small gnat! johnwill rachel  John Williamson and Rachel, being sensible kris rache  Kristine and Rachel blowing me kisses smallrocket  One of the very small fireworks we had in November 2000
snow2001  Amy and Becky get the cold shoulder from their new boyfriend teletubby  Whilst shopping at Bluewater I bumped in to a REAL teletubby.