
A bunch of nutters (and maybe some normal people) that I have had the pleasure to have known.
dsc00006  Mike Davis at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00008  Chris Ackerman and Gary Liley at August Christmas Party 1999 dsc00011  Scott Bawden at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00012  Tim Atkinson at RDL Christmas party 1998
dsc00013  Hina and John dsc00020  Karen and Hina with Rachel at the JLT Christmas Party 2001 dsc00021  In the garden with Uncle Sid on his 80th birthday dsc00025  Mike Roussow Derek Crampton and Mike Davis
dsc00026  Adam Christie dsc00029  Phil Wicks (Blue) RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00030  Adam Christie dsc00031  Alan Isaacs with Nick Martin sucking up (as usual)
dsc00033  Tony Perry at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00050  Tim Rawson at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00067  John Williamson at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00068  Vince Manning at RDL Christmas party 1998
dsc00069  Amanda Janssen Tony Perry and Scott Bawden  at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00081  Amanda Janssen at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00587  Vince Manning and Richard Slater August Christmas Party 2002 dsc00610  Mike Davis and John Williamson August Christmas Party 2002
dsc00612  Calum Peterson August Christmas Party 2002 dsc00623  Vince and Alan at the August Christmas Party 2002 dsc00660  Rachel and Karen at JLT Christmas Party 2002 dsc00661  Rachel and Elaine at JLT Christmas Party 2002
dsc00685  Elaine and Hilary at JLT Christmas Party 2002 dsc00165  Colin and Jacqui dsc00166  Jason and wife dsc00247  Scottish Andy on his wedding day
jimpeek1  Jim Peek, mean guitarist and singer. glenn-jarrad  Glenn Jarrad keithbanks  Keith Banks mike-roussow  Mike Roussow
sarah-tyte  Sarah Tyte scott-bawden  Scott Bawden timnicebutdim  Tim Atkinson dsc00695  Derek, Kelly and Jean Thomas pictured at Deirdre's wedding where Kelly had a solo singing performance and was brilliant.
dsc00713  Deirdre Brennan on her wedding day (to become Mrs Siney) dsc00714  Deirdre and bridesmaid (daughter) Rachel dsc00716  Dermott and Rachel dsc00115  Rachel school reunion with Sally
1  Italian friends Tiziana and Stefano 2  My Italian friend Ezio's two boys Stefano and Paolo - they get their good looks from their mother :-) 3  Italian friend Ezio dsc00001  My bestest friends Mick and Pete on Mick's 50th birthday.
dsc00003  Hina and Tom dsc00005  Stephanie at RDL Christmas party 1998 dsc00053  Pete Silver. A very nice man. dsc00162  John Williamson proud to show off the nightie we bought him
dsc00164  Who cares? I like it! mick  Mick Giddings. A very nice man that got bitten by a GNAT (yes, honest!) shauns  The Shauns bbq 008  Rachel and Lisa
bbq 010  Lisa. Mad as a ferrett! bbq 015  Ray cuddles up to Rachel (must be cold!) bbq 024  Ray the BBQ machine sid80 a  Uncle Sid on his 80th birthday
sid80 b  Little Lynn with Graham jw60 002  Celebrating John Williamsons's 60th with Dennis Backer jw60 008  Derek Crampton pledging his love to me :-) jw60 025  John Williamson, 60 year old nutcase
22 girls goal  Watching England play, World Cup 2006  Rachel, Christine, Kristine and Hina 23 kristine john  John and Kristine watching England play, World Cup 2006