
Gemma Louise Calkin

Born 16th March 1979
gemma5.5  The obligatory naked on a rug type photo gemma10mths  Ground control to Major Tom. 10mths old and already a big music fan. Gemma1st  Alien abducted my baby! gemma16mths  Gemma at 16 months old
gemma Darren Bognor  Gemma with brother Darren in the background. gemmatoddler  Enjoying smashing things gemma dad1  Gemma with Daddy gemma dad  Me and my Dad
GEMMA1  My new bike GEMMA3 GEMMA4 gemmaschool  School photo
strawhat-poses  Posing in a straw hat strawhat-poses2  More posing in a straw hat gemma-dog gemma-hairband
mastermind gemma-new-bike gemma-new-boots Gemma-in-bed
gemma14  Gemma at 14 Gemma-Thomas  Gemma with baby Thomas gemma-nan-alison  Gemma with Nanny and Alison GemmaSainsbury3  Sainsbury's girl
DSC00106  21 today. DSC00108  Happy 21st birthday daughter x x woohoo  I Win! gemma amy  Gemma and Amy at Granddad and Pauline's for Christmas
DSC00057  Kristine and Gemma, New Year's Eve 1999 gemma vic  Dancing with Rachel's Dad Vic. Trevor looking serious in the background. Get Down! DSC00066 DSC00071  Don't make my hair frizzy Amy
gemma  Gemma with a surprised looking baby Zoe (later to become Tommy's girlfriend for a while!) DSC00083  Opening Christmas presents DSC00089  Barry playing Boppit! GemmaBarry  The Hen Night
Wedding018  Married to Barry July 15th 2006 IMG 0034  Mr. and Mrs. Cool